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I am a PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies (STS) at York University. I completed a Masters in Environmental Studies York University's Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, a Graduate Diploma in Asian Studies and and a Bachelor of Applied Science at University of Toronto's Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry


I am an interdisciplinary researcher, writer and arts practitioner. I am a Research Assistant to the ERC-funded Sonic Street Technologies project at Goldsmiths, University of London. While finishing my doctoral studies in science and technology studies at York University in Canada, I have been attending to the ways arts-based methodologies and the realm of the senses can be instrumentalized as provocations and epistemologies in social science and humanities research. My doctoral dissertation project explores the multifaceted cultural, material and environmental meaning-making, building on her ethnographic and media research on fire ecology and wildfire management in California and internationally. In 2020, I was a virtual resident in the UNIDEE residency program in Cittadellarte – Fondazione Pistoletto in Biella, Italy, exploring visual modes of representation, embodied modes of relating and poetic form in relation to fire/combustion as a phenomenon along with arts practitioners from other disciplines from around the world. I use my background in environmental studies, STS, cultural studies and arts practice to understand how nature can be a felt, embodied experience through performance, visual and material expression, as a way by which to connect with more-than-human worlds, in the global context of capitalism, colonialism and climate change.


My research interests are broadly surrounding the anthropology and philosophy of biology and the ecological sciences, cartography, postcolonial and feminist STS, and environmental and medical humanities. Generally, I am interested in being amidst and connecting people of different backgrounds to create novel interdisciplinary spaces to create opportunities for collaborative research, storytelling, and world-making. 


My core research interests for my PhD project are the implications of human-nature interactions as part of ecological research work. I seek to study how ecologists make sense of their work, their relationship with their non-human subjects and what that can tell us about ecologists' epistemological orientation to the biophysical environment,  their understanding of ideas about human bodies, the environment, wellness and disease and ecological relationships at large. More specifically, I conducted fieldwork on the work that fire ecologists in California do to manage the presence of fire in landscape, and how narrative surrounding fire get translated across different cultural contexts and spaces. 


To see some of my work, see my page.

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